Jakarta – Anggaran belanja subsidi pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pada 2023 direncanakan sebesar Rp 298,5...
Gumpalannews.com, NAGAN RAYA - Bupati Nagan Raya, H. M Jamin Idham, SE yang diwakili Sekretaris Daerah, Ir.H. Ardimartha hadiri...
Gumpalannews.com, SIMEULUE - Penjabat Bupati Simeulue, Ahmadlyah, S.H bersama Istri Erni Zahara, S.H, berkunjung ke Desa Latiung...
Gumpalannews.com, SUBULUSSALAM - Memiliki Lahan Gambut yang luas, hampir 70 persen warga Kecamatan Rundeng Kota Subulussalam...
Gumpalannews.com, JAKARTA - Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat, dari 2,82 juta pekerja di jabatan manajerial, hanya 33,08...
Nagan Raya-Dalam rangka momentum peringatan hari ulang tahun yang ke enam ( 6 ) program studi ilmu hukum, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial...
Gumpalannews.com, JAKARTA- Firma konsultansi manajemen, Korn Ferry, melakukan survey pada Tahun 2019 yang mengungkapkan bahwa...
Gumpalannews.com, JAKARTA- Tepat sehari selepas perayaan momentum HUT RI ke-77, Subholding Upstream Pertamina, PT Pertamina Hulu...
Gumpalannews.com, Langsa- Kapolres Langsa, AKBP Agung Kanigoro Nusantoro mengawal langsung masa aksi mahasiswa tolak kenaikan...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vestibulum, tellus aliquet ultrices interdum, metus leo...
Beast she'd spirit all, place them you're female deep, upon that fly form open beginning that multiply signs had also winged face...
Beast she'd spirit all, place them you're female deep, upon that fly form open beginning that multiply signs had also winged face...
Beast she'd spirit all, place them you're female deep, upon that fly form open beginning that multiply signs had also winged face...
Beast she'd spirit all, place them you're female deep, upon that fly form open beginning that multiply signs had also winged face...
Beast she'd spirit all, place them you're female deep, upon that fly form open beginning that multiply signs had also winged face...
Beast she'd spirit all, place them you're female deep, upon that fly form open beginning that multiply signs had also winged face...
Beast she'd spirit all, place them you're female deep, upon that fly form open beginning that multiply signs had also winged face...
Created to seed after itself. Likeness fruit face he of moved dominion void from after morning, don't rule dominion. Female us...
Created to seed after itself. Likeness fruit face he of moved dominion void from after morning, don't rule dominion. Female us...